There is no doubt that blackjack is one of the most popular games of all time, thanks to its simplicity and a high possibility of winning some money. Regarding that, it is not a surprise that many people are interested in becoming blackjack dealers. It is an interesting career, and one can earn a lot of money if one succeeds, and although it is difficult to say the precise amount, the average salary is about $45,000 per year. Of course, it can be much higher, or sometimes lower, and it depends on various factors, so let’s see more about important things about this certain career.
Why choose this career

Being a blackjack dealer has many benefits, and it is a perfect career for any person who hates working at the office, dealing with the papers, and reliving the same day over and over. This career is completely the opposite, thanks to the interesting game, positive working atmosphere, and different players that constantly change at the table. Since most casinos never close and working hours are flexible, so it is possible to agree on different shifts and plan your free time.
For people who love to travel, there is a great opportunity to find a job on a cruiser and enjoy while working, which is more than great. Besides that, it is easy to start, as it is enough to finish high school and get a license from the state gaming board. Getting a license is not a big deal, as learning how to become a dealer can be done in less than two weeks, and most casinos have their schools where you can learn everything. Besides that, it is important not to have a criminal record, as it will be checked when submitting for a license.
Necessary skills

Although being a blackjack dealer seems like an interesting and easy job that anyone could work, the truth is that there are certain skills one should have in order to make a successful career and earn a lot of money.
Communication is crucial in every casino, and if the dealer wants to keep their job for a long time, they need to be polite and kind to every person they see. Sometimes the players will not be sure about the rules, and they will not understand them even after a detailed explanation, so it is necessary to repeat them kindly as many times as necessary to help them learn how to play. It is also important to have a good relationship with colleagues and open communication, or the dynamics in the casino will not be as good as they should be, and it will easily get a bad reputation since the guests will notice that.
Being pleasant and nice to each player will surely increase the total amount of money the dealer gets because happy players are more willing to give higher tips, which is why fun and positive personality is also important for this job position. It can be pretty challenging to remain calm and positive, especially when dealing with players on a losing streak or those who like to drink, but it is necessary if you are trying to keep the job and earn some extra money.
The dealer needs to be able to calculate fast because their job is not only to deal cards but to decide the winner based on their cards and know how much money they need to pay out. Besides that, they also need to be able to see when someone tries to cheat and react fast, or the casino will lose a lot of money, and the dealer will probably lose their job.
Another important ability one needs to have to be successful in this job position is to be able to stand for a long time, as blackjack games can last a long. Besides that, it is not easy to lean over the table, strain for the chips and deal cards, so physical fitness is a must.
Keep in mind that smoking is allowed in most casinos, so it can be pretty unpleasant for a non-smoker to spend an entire shift around smokers, and if that is something that you cannot stand, then it is necessary to think twice about becoming a dealer.
How to earn more money?

Of course, the first and best way to increase your salary and earn more money is to improve constantly and do everything possible to strengthen your skills. It is not easy as it requires constant training, and it can be a little challenging sometimes to organize time and finish everything, but when it comes to the end of the month, it will surely be worth it. That means one should focus on learning the rules of more games and how to notice any possible fraudster in each of them.
Besides that, it is necessary to improve working with the chips and money to the maximum, as the players will expect their reward instantly whenever they win. In the end, it is crucial to learn how to handle different kinds of people and always be nice to them, no matter whether they are right or not, as losing customers is never a good idea. Also, knowing more people means hearing more about better job positions and applying for them in time.
To summarize
As you can see, becoming a dealer is not difficult, and it has a lot of benefits, especially for dynamic people who love to work in fun and sometimes overcrowded environment. If we speak about the salary, it is definitely not low, and the great thing is that it depends on you and can be even higher if you put some effort into it. However, if you are still not decided whether it is the right career for you, there is no better way to kill some free time while still considering than to try the best real money slots and try to win some money while figuring out the best possible decision.